Categories & Criteria
This award aims to recognise women-owned projects that have demonstrated overall excellence in project implementation, met the client’s requirements and have been led by an effective project team. Project criteria include sustainability and the provision of innovative solutions for the client.
1. Civil
- Grade 1
- Grades 2 – 4
- Grades 5 – 6
- Grades 7 and up
2. Electrical
- Grade 1
- Grades 2 – 4
- Grades 5 – 6
- Grades 7 and up
3. General Building
- Grade 1
- Grades 2 – 4
- Grades 5 – 6
- Grades 7 and up
4. Mechanical
- Grade 1
- Grades 2 – 4
- Grades 5 – 6
- Grades 7 and up
Who is eligible to enter this category?
- All women-owned construction entities (51% ownership or more).
- Entities with active registration with the cidb.
- Provide BBBEE Certificate.
- Provide one page overview of entity and 100 word CV of the key personnel on the project.
- Provide Project implementation plan.
- Provide Certificate of Completion by client.
- Provide evidence of the involvement and empowerment of women in the project.
- Include an acknowledgement from the key client.
- Describe any innovation and sustainable solutions provided for the project.
- At least five high-resolution (min 1MB) photographs of the construction entity and/or project in jpeg format must be included.
- A high-resolution (min 1MB) logo in jpeg format must also be included.
- 5
- 15
- 30
- 10
- 10
- 5
- 25
For manual entries, all application forms and required documentation should be emailed to erwicawards@cidb.org.za
This category recognises women-owned construction entities who have motivated and completed a successful project within the rural environment.
Who is eligible to enter this category?
- All women-owned construction entities (51% ownership or more) with a completed project in a rural area.
- Entities with active registration with the cidb.
- Provide BBBEE Certificate.
- Project Implementation Plan.
- Provide one page overview of entity and 100 word CV of the key personnel on the project.
- Describe, in no more than two pages, how the contractor has empowered women in the area during this project.
- Certificate of Completion.
- Clearly outline any challenges in managing this rural project and the successful outcomes, including any direct community involvement.
- Clearly demonstrate the involvement of women in the project and the impact on the rural community.
- Include an acknowledgement from the client.
- Describe the contractor’s innovation, sustainability and contribution to the industry aimed at the upliftment of the rural society/ community.
- At least five high-resolution (min 1MB) photographs of the construction entity and/or project in jpeg format must be included.
- A high-resolution (min 1MB) logo in jpeg format must also be included.
- 5
- 15
- 10
- 15
- 5
- 15
- 20
- 5
For manual entries, all application forms and required documentation should be emailed to erwicawards@cidb.org.za
This new category for 2024 provides a platform to highlight the expertise, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit of women professionals in this specialised field. It aims to encourage and inspire aspiring women entrepreneurs and professionals to pursue careers in the interior construction value-chain, fostering talent development and industry growth. Interior Project of the Year will honour the achievements of women in interior construction which in turn aligns with the broader objectives of promoting diversity, inclusivity, and excellence within the sector.
Who is eligible to enter this category?
- All women-owned construction entities (51% ownership or more) with a completed interior project.
- Entities with active registration with the cidb.
- Provide BBBEE Certificate.
- Project Implementation Plan.
- Provide one page overview of entity and 100 word CV of the key personnel on the project.
- Technical Excellence: Review the technical proficiency and craftsmanship exhibited in the construction and installation processes.
- Innovation and Creativity: degree of innovation and creativity demonstrated in the design, materials selection, and execution of the interior project.
- Certificate of Completion.
- Functionality and User Experience: the project’s ability to fulfil its intended purpose effectively and enhance the overall user experience, embracing DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion).
- Sustainability and Environmental Impact: Consider the project’s adherence to sustainable practices, resource efficiency, and environmental stewardship.
- Include an acknowledgement from the client.
- At least five high-resolution (min 1MB) photographs of the construction entity and/or project in jpeg format must be included.
- A high-resolution (min 1MB) logo in jpeg format must also be included.
- 5
- 15
- 10
- 15
- 5
- 5
For manual entries, all application forms and required documentation should be emailed to erwicawards@cidb.org.za
This category recognises women-owned construction entities that have either successfully completed a project in the cidb specialized works class of works, as a main contractor or a subcontractor. The project should have demonstrated overall excellence in project implementation, met the client’s requirements and have been led by an effective project team. Project criteria include sustainability and the provision of innovative solutions for the client within their specialised field.
Who is eligible to enter this category?
- All women-owned construction entities (51% ownership or more) with a completed specialised built environment project.
- Where relevant, the entity must hold active registration with the cidb.
- Provide BBBEE Certificate.
- Provide one page overview of entity’s specialisation and 100 word CV of the key personnel on the project.
- Provide Project implementation plan.
- Provide Certificate of Completion by client.
- Provide evidence of the involvement and empowerment of women in the project.
- Include an acknowledgement from the key client.
- Describe any innovation and sustainable solutions provided for the project.
- At least five high-resolution (min 1MB) photographs of the construction entity and/or project in jpeg format must be included.
- A high-resolution (min 1MB) logo in jpeg format must also be included.
- 5
- 15
- 30
- 10
- 10
- 5
- 25
For manual entries, all application forms and required documentation should be emailed to erwicawards@cidb.org.za
This category awards an entity within the construction industry that is positively contributing to the development and support of women in the construction industry. The entity is providing skills-based training, formal mentorship programmes and on the job support for women in the organization.
Who is eligible to enter this category?
- Any entity within the construction industry – public or private sector. (e.g professionals, contractors etc)
- Where relevant, the entity must hold active registration with the cidb.
- Provide BBBEE Certificate.
- Provide evidence of the contribution this entity is making to women in their environment.
- Clearly detail the entity’s formal women mentorship programme/s.
- Clearly detail the entity’s formal skills-based programme/s for women.
- Clearly detail the entity’s formal training programme/s for women.
- Describe the process of mentorship and provide examples.
- Describe, in no more than two pages, how the entity has mentored women in their environment.
- At least five high-resolution (min 1MB) photographs of the construction entity and/or project in jpeg format must be included.
- A high-resolution (min 1MB) logo in jpeg format must also be included.
- 5
- 20
- 10
- 10
- 10
- 20
- 20
For manual entries, all application forms and required documentation should be emailed to erwicawards@cidb.org.za
This award is to highlight that the entity has supported and continues to support their women employees and nurtures talent in a way that has helped them to grow and mature within their fields. The entity must display support of the gender agenda through the implementation of a transformation policy to enhance the sustainability of women.
Who is eligible to enter this category?
- Any entity within the broader construction industry – public or private sector. (e.g professionals, contractors etc)
- Where relevant, the entity must hold active registration with the cidb.
- Provide BBBEE Certificate.
- Provide evidence of the contribution this entity is making to the upliftment of women in the industry.
- Provide evidence of the leadership position of women in the organization in diagrammatic format.
- Provide evidence of a formal adherence to the Gender Agenda.
- Provide an example of employees/staff that have experienced transformation in a diagrammatic format.
- Provide timeline examples of employees/staff that have experienced transformation.
- Describe, in no more than two pages, how the entity has empowered and transformed the role of women in the industry.
- At least five high-resolution (min 1MB) photographs of the construction entity and/or project in jpeg format must be included.
- A high-resolution (min 1MB) logo in jpeg format must also be included.
- 5
- 20
- 20
- 10
- 15
- 20
- 10
For manual entries, all application forms and required documentation should be emailed to erwicawards@cidb.org.za
This award aims to recognise the entity utilising new technologies and showing innovation in their approach to projects and/or their business. Technological advances can lead to significant transformation in ways in which infrastructure is planned, procured, delivered and maintained. The Award will recognise those entities bravely adopting these technologies.
Who is eligible to enter this category?
- All women-owned construction entities (51% or more ownership).
- Entities with active registration with the cidb.
- Provide BBBEE Certificate.
- Provide one page overview of entity and 100-word CV of the key personnel working in this environment.
- Evidence of the use of the advances of fourth industrial revolution (4IR) into their construction projects. Entrant to provide evidence of the use of 4IR advances that are currently deployed in the construction industry, such as:
- Building Information Modelling for design purposes.
- Use of additive technology (3D printing) of construction models drawn from professional and 3D practitioners.
- Alternative building Technologies (ABT) used mostly in human settlements for fast delivery of housing stock –drawn from designers and manufactures of construction panels, as well as installers.
- Software technology used in infrastructure design and collaborations across geographic locations, e.g. BIM.
- 3D modelling that helps designers and building owners by showing how a built structure will look.
- Use of robotics which is used to increase productivity and access areas of the construction projects that may be unsafe for humans to work in, thereby improving industry health and safety practices.
- Use of drones that are used to provide progress reports, reducing the cost of time and travel for key project management personnel.
- At least five high-resolution (min 1MB) photographs of the construction entity and/or project in jpeg format must be included.
- A high-resolution (min 1MB) logo in jpeg format must also be included.
- 5
- 10
For manual entries, all application forms and required documentation should be emailed to erwicawards@cidb.org.za
This award aims to recognise the professional project team – led by a woman – that has completed a project within the client brief. The team will have demonstrated overall excellence in project implementation, met the client’s requirements and have been led by an effective women project team leader. Project criteria include sustainability and the provision of innovative solutions for the client.
Who is eligible to enter this category?
- Any woman led professional project team, who has completed a project within the prescribed awards time frame, and from the built environment.
- Provide BBBEE Certificate.
- Provide one page overview of entity and 100-word CV of the key personnel on the project.
- Provide Project implementation plan.
- Provide Certificate of Completion by client.
- Provide high level overview of the project team.
- Provide evidence of leadership by the team leader.
- Provide evidence of the involvement and empowerment of women in the project.
- Provide evidence of innovation and sustainability in the project.
- Include an acknowledgement from the key client.
- At least five high-resolution (min 1MB) photographs of the construction entity and/or project in jpeg format must be included.
- A high-resolution (min 1MB) logo in jpeg format must also be included.
- 5
- 10
- 15
- 5
- 15
- 15
- 10
- 15
- 10
For manual entries, all application forms and required documentation should be emailed to erwicawards@cidb.org.za
The second of the new categories for 2024 aims to recognise the Manufacturing entities supplying the construction sector and their continued impact on women in the industry through employment strategies, empowerment programmes and significant transformation.
Who is eligible to enter this category?
- Any entity within the broader construction industry – public or private sector.
- Where relevant, the entity must hold active registration with the cidb.
- Provide BBBEE Certificate.
- Provide evidence of systems in place to ensure a continued quality product.
- Clearly provide examples of adherence to quality standards and product quality, including certificates from a 3rd party.
- Clearly detail evidence of the reliance on local supplies in the manufacturing process and the contribution to local communities.
- Clearly detail the systems and procedures for manufacture and supply of goods.
- Describe, in no more than two pages, how the entity has strived to uplift women in their environment.
- Provide a 100-word executive summary of the entry for publication and presentation use.
- At least five high-resolution (min 1MB) photographs of the construction entity and/or project in jpeg format must be included.
- A high-resolution (min 1MB) logo in jpeg format must also be included.
- 5
- 20
- 20
- 15
- 20
- 15
- 5
For manual entries, all application forms and required documentation should be emailed to erwicawards@cidb.org.za
This category recognises an entity owned by a female aged 35 years or younger. The entity must be sustainable, display a good track record for over two years, and be contributing to the empowerment of women and the industry as a whole.
Who is eligible to enter this category?
- Women-owned construction entities (51% or more ownership).
- Owned by woman/women under 35 years of age as at 31 December 2023.
- Entities with active registration with the cidb.
- Provide BBBEE Certificate.
- Provide Certified copy of the individual’s identity document.
- Describe history of the entity – from inception to 2020.
- Provide 100 word CV overview of each of the key personnel.
- Provide evidence of the entity’s innovation, sustainability and contribution to the industry.
- Describe, in no more than two pages, how the entity has empowered women in the industry.
- At least five high-resolution (min 1MB) photographs of the construction entity and/or project in jpeg format must be included.
- A high-resolution (min 1MB) logo in jpeg format must also be included.
- 5
- 5
- 25
- 20
- 25
- 20
For manual entries, all application forms and required documentation should be emailed to erwicawards@cidb.org.za
This award aims to recognise a key woman player with 51% or more ownership of a construction entity. The individual has managed and grown a successful entity in the industry. The individual has contributed significantly to the development of the South African construction industry, through her dedication, conviction, vision, commitment and leadership.
Who is eligible to enter this category?
- All women-owned construction entities (51% or more ownership).
- Entities with active registration with the cidb.
- Provide BBBEE Certificate.
- Evidence of innovative contribution to the industry.
- Personal and professional barriers that have been overcome.
- Leadership ability of the nominee and her contribution to building the image of the construction industry in general.
- Provide evidence of continued professional development.
- Achievement such as:
- Educational achievements (where applicable).
- Practical achievements.
- Recognition of awards received (if any).
- At least five high-resolution (min 1MB) photographs of the construction entity and/or project in jpeg format must be included.
- A high-resolution (min 1MB) logo in jpeg format must also be included.
- 5
- 5
- 25
- 25
- 20
For manual entries, all application forms and required documentation should be emailed to erwicawards@cidb.org.za
This award is to recognise the women who have supported and continue to support other women working within the construction industry, who have contributed to nurturing talent in a way that has helped them to grow and mature within their fields.
Who is eligible to enter this category?
- All women working within the construction industry including professionals.
- Provide evidence of the entrant’s mentorship of other women in the industry.
- Evidence of her ability to nurture and support other women in the industry.
- Evidence of continued support and transformation of women in the industry.
- Evidence of innovative contribution to the industry.
- Personal and professional barriers that have been overcome.
- Leadership ability of the nominee and her contribution to building the image of the construction industry in general.
- Provide evidence of continued professional development.
- Achievement such as:
- Educational achievements (where applicable).
- Practical achievements.
- Recognition of awards received (if any).
- At least five high-resolution (min 1MB) photographs of the construction entity and/or project in jpeg format must be included.
- A high-resolution (min 1MB) logo in jpeg format must also be included.
- 10
- 15
- 20
- 15
- 10
- 10
- 10
For manual entries, all application forms and required documentation should be emailed to erwicawards@cidb.org.za
This award aims to recognise a disabled woman or women-owned entity within the construction industry who is making a difference and contributing to the upliftment and support of other disabled women within the industry.
Who is eligible to enter this category?
- Individual women who are disabled and work within the construction industry.
- Entities owned by a disabled woman within the construction sector.
- Entities must have active registration with the cidb, where applicable.
- Evidence of her participation and role in the industry.
- Evidence of contribution to the industry.
- Personal and professional barriers that have been overcome.
- Provide evidence of continued professional development.
- Achievement such as:
- Educational achievements (where applicable).
- Practical achievements.
- Recognition of awards received (if any).
- At least five high-resolution (min 1MB) photographs of the construction entity and/or project in jpeg format must be included.
- A high-resolution (min 1MB) logo in jpeg format must also be included.
- 15
- 25
- 25
- 20
For manual entries, all application forms and required documentation should be emailed to erwicawards@cidb.org.za
This award is to reward a woman working within any sector of the construction industry who is professional, ethical and committed. The recipient shows determination and skill to advance within her field and at the same time promoting and highlighting the contribution by women in the industry.
Who is eligible to enter this category?
- All women working within the construction industry.
- Evidence of her role and position in the industry.
- Evidence of continued support of women in the industry.
- Evidence of innovative contribution to the industry.
- Personal and professional barriers that have been overcome.
- Detail the contribution to building the image of the construction industry in general.
- Provide evidence of continued professional development.
- Achievement such as:
- Educational achievements (where applicable).
- Practical achievements.
- Recognition of awards received (if any).
- At least five high-resolution (min 1MB) photographs of the construction entity and/or project in jpeg format must be included.
- A high-resolution (min 1MB) logo in jpeg format must also be included.
- 15
- 20
- 15
- 15
- 15
- 10
For manual entries, all application forms and required documentation should be emailed to erwicawards@cidb.org.za
This award aims to recognise an outstanding woman within the construction industry who has contributed significantly to industry development and transformation and to the development of women in the South African construction industry, through dedication, conviction, vision, commitment, and leadership. The cidb Chairman reserves the right to bestow this award on a worthy recipient of his choosing. There will only be one individual or entity recognised.
Who is eligible to enter this category?
- All women in the construction industry.
- One-page submissions are welcome to motivate for this award.
- The nominee must be an active participant in the construction industry.
- The nominee can work in any sector within the construction industry.
- The submission should demonstrate the individual’s achievements including, positive contributions to gender empowerment, industry development and transformation.
- The submission must showcase a sustainable track record and commitment to the enhancement of the industry.
Please email your submission to erwicawards@cidb.org.za